Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pt 4 Day's End Birds

Our fourth and final stop for the day was the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, a regular and favorite birding place of mine and Kim's. Even though we know we will see all the usual suspects, we always keep our eye opened for that one special sighting.

Today's visit went as usual but we did manage to observe a life bird each, however, I was unable to keep up to the Marsh Wren that flit through the brush like nobody's or should I say 'nobirdie's' business. He was tiny, quick and cute and maybe next time he'll remember me and pose for a quick shot!

The regualrs did not disappoint and the Chickadees eagerly awaited for our handsful of seed we bring with us. We are always happy to be there and whether or not we get to check off any lifers during our visit that isn't the reason we are there. We both have a sincere love for the birds and the nature that surrounds us.

When I got home that night, I took the penny I had found earlier that morning, held it in my hand and studied it for a bit...was it lucky or are we just meant to see what we did and do because of our love for it...the answer doesn't matter to me but,  that penny has a permanent home in my camera bag!! ;-)

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron

Adult Black-Crowned Night Heron

Mr. and Mrs. Wood Duck

Black Capped Chickadee

Golden Crowned Sparrow

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard

Great Blue Heron

Northern Shoveler (male and female)

Sandhill Crane

Red-Winged Black Bird (female)

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