Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day in my Backyard

Today was the day I was to start the fall clean-up by discarding the now ratty looking hanging baskets and planters that once provided beautiful colour to my backyard. I had also planned on weeding the flower beds and picking up the leaves that have now started to fall. Ok, my intentions were good, I just got a little side tracked....first distraction, the discovery of not one but two small frogs who have taken up residence in my pond. Ok, I grab my camera, no harm in a small pause to take a couple pictures....

A couple of pictures taken and I'm ready to get back to work but wait, I have goldfish posing for their turn in the spotlight...ok, a couple more snaps of the camera won't hurt...ok fishies...smile...
...ok, happy frogs, happy fishies now back to the garden. Grab the tools, bucket for weeds...all set...wait...what's this...
........a little pine siskin so cute and so entertaining....so I watch and I watch some more.........
....and watch some more...............when this guy shows up.........................
.......that ain't no black-capped chickadee, that there is a red breasted nuthatch...woohoo, a first for me (and yes I know the picture is blurry, I was excited and did not want to miss him) . Ok, away goes the garden tools out comes the lawn chair and I sit with camera in hand watching the activities in my busy little backyard! What a great day!!

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